Welcome to Riverside Primary
A Professional Learning Community & Distinguished Title 1 School
**Parents please take a moment to complete the Georgia Parent Survey**
The Georgia Parent Survey contains 24 questions. Parents may complete the survey using their personal computer, smartphones or tablet. For parents that do not have access to the Internet, they can complete the Georgia Parent Survey at school. All parents are encouraged to participate in the Georgia Parent Survey because the data will be used as part of the calculation of the School Climate Star Rating. Survey responses are anonymous and will be submitted directly to the Georgia Department of Education for analysis. Individual data results from the Georgia Parent Survey will not be available to the public and will not be posted online. The URL address for the Georgia Parent Survey is posted below.
Georgia Parent Survey link below
- 2015-2016 Title I Parent Involvement Survey
- 2015-2016 Title 1 Parent Involment Survey (Spanish)
- District Direction for Continuous Improvement in Cobb county
- School Strategic Plan 2015-2016
- Cobb County School District's bullying information
- Download Parents Right to Know English 2014-2015
- Download Spanish Parents Right to Know 2014-2015
- Download Parent Notification Waiver English
- Download Parent Notification Waiver Spanish
- Supply List 2015-2016 School Year
- Riverside Primary Uniform Dress Code
Governor Nathan Deal celebrates Riverside Primary School
Riverside Primary's new student registration is from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. everyday.
Upcoming Dates:
November 19th Family Literacy Day
November 20th PTA Movie Night 6 p.m.
November 23rd - 27th Thanksgiving Break
December 3rd School Council 5 - 6 p.m.
December 3rd PTA 6 - 7 p.m.
December 21st - Jan 2nd Winter Holidays
January 4th No School Student Break
January 12th Nutrition and Learning Parent Workshop 6-7 p.m.
January 14th Kindergarten Awards Day
January 15th First Grade Awards Day
January 18th Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
Riverside is participating in the Publix Partners program. Get a key tag in the front office and shop at Publix. Each time your card is scanned, Riverside earns money!
Riverside is also participating in Box Tops for Education. All you have to do is buy products with the Box Top label. Clip the label and send it in with your child to give to their teacher. Contests are going on to see which class can collect the most box tops!Box Tops Link
Join PTA All parents, teachers and staff members have the oppurtunity to join PTA. The membership dues are just $5. All proceeds will help to provide activities for our students and teachers. Click on the PTA link for more info.
Riverside Primary School
Welcome to Riverside Primary University a Title I School of Excellence with a daily commitment to increase student achievement. We anticipate another great and exciting year for the students the staff, and the community of Riverside Primary. As a Distinguished Title I School, we are delighted that our students continue to meet and exceed standards set based on our SSP goals and the CCRPI score. This school year, we will continue to work to ensure that our students are provided multiple opportunities to engage in activities that will allow them to make connections to real-life situations as they prepare to transition to the global market place.
The late Dr. Ron Edmonds, a noted pioneer in the school reform movement, research continues to impact our efforts in the school improvement process. One of Dr. Edmonds’ quotes consistently drives our efforts to improve learning. He believed that we can whenever we choose successfully educate all students whose schooling is of interest to us. We embrace Ron’s vision for his commitment to educate all. Our commitment is to provide a differentiated, rigorous, and data driven curriculum that promotes excellence for every child on a daily basis.
Our vision of Excellence Every Day for Every Child is clearly aligned to the District’s vision which is One Team, One Goal, Student Success. We will work collaboratively to focus our school improvement efforts on student achievement.
Doris Billups-McClure, Ed.D
Our commitment to educating your child is reflected in our Vision, Mission, and Beliefs below:
Excellence Every Day For Every Child!
To Prepare students to transition into the global market place
~Core Beliefs~
- Provide a safe and nurturing environment for all stakeholders.
- Implement a differentiated, rigorous and data driven curriculum.
- Engage all stakeholders in the educational process.
- Ensure that staff engages in on-going professional development.